There were over 100 sugar mills in Antigua in the time of the slave trade. They were located in six different regions of the island known as parishes. To learn more about the mills and their location in the parishes, click on the appropriate link below.

St. George’s Parish

St. George’s Parish is located in northcentral Antigua. Its capital is Piggots, and the parishes’ population was 7,496 per the 2011 census.

St. John’s Parish

St. John’s Parish is located on the northwest corner of Antigua.  Its capital is St. John, and the parish has the largest population of any Antiguan parish of 49,225 per the 2011 census. 

St. Mary’s Parish

St. Mary’s is a parish in southwest Antigua. Bolans is its capital, and the parishes’ population was 7,067 per the 2011 census.  

St. Paul’s Parish

St. Paul’s is a parish in southcentral Antigua. Falmouth is its capital, and the parishes’ population was 7,979 per the 2011 census.  

St. Peter’s Parish

St. Peter’s is a parish in northcentral Antigua. Parham is its capital, and the parishes’ population was 5,269 per the 2011 census.  

St. Philip’s Parish

St. Phillip’s is a parish in northeast Antigua.  Its capital is Carlisle, and the parishes’ population was 3,125 per the 2011 census.